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  4. Integration with Bosta (Middle East)

Integration with Bosta (Middle East)

We are integrated with Lastmile shipping provider – Bosta

Follow the simple steps shared below:

1- On the path Settings > Shipping Providers

2- Click on “Add Shipping Provider“.

3- Search for “Bosta“, then click on Bosta to fill the details.

4- Now fill in the details as per the below points.

General Information

Shipping Provider Name Enter the Shipping provider name.
Enabled Yes/No
To mark shipping provider enable or disable in Uniware.
Tracking Enabled: Yes/No
Select this to “Yes” (Default), as shipping provider provides tracking info.
Service Type (M) Surface/Air/road user can use the keyword specified by the Shipper. Generally use Surface.
Hand Over Mode  Blank (Default)/Pickup/Drop/Pick
User can use the keyword specified by the Shipper. Generally use Drop.
Pickup Address Id (M) This Pickup Address Id will be provided by Bosta team for the respective sellers.
For single location: Pickup Address Id must set by seller as per Bosta instructions.
For multiple locations: If seller has multiple location IDs, obtained from the Bosta team, must add new shipper for each associated Pickup location ID.
Fetch Label Link (M) Use False as Label pdf is provided by Bosta.

Forward Shipment/Reverse Shipment (If Applicable) 

  • Serviceability:
    Select Serviceability as Any facility to any Place / This Facility to selected Pincodes / Any Facility to Selected Pincodes(in this case you need to define serviceability: Any facility to any Place)
  • Forward Shipment:
    Add both COD and Prepaid Shipping Methods having AWB Generation selected as API.
  • Reverse Shipment: ReversePickup-Prepaid Shipping Methods having AWB Generation selected as API.

5- Now save the details by pressing the button Save.

6- Click on Connectors and update the credentials for API settings.

  • Connectors:
User Name (M) The API username and password can be obtained from Bosta team
Password (M) The API username and password can be obtained from
Bosta team

7- Click on Connector to authenticate and connect the connectors and finish the integration process.


Below are the feature highlights of this integration:

  • This is a last mile shipping courier partner that provides services in Middle East.
  • Only Forward Shipments are supported.
  • AWB tracking is present.
  • Label pdf is provided by Bosta.
  • Manifest is provided by UC.

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