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Integration with Prozo | Fulfilment

Unicommere is now integrated with Prozo warehousing service.

Follow these simple steps to integrate in Uniware:

1- In the Uniware menu, select Settings > Channels

2- Then press the button

Search and Select “Prozo fulfilment“.

3- Fill and save the channel details.

4- Fill the API credentials to configure the connectors.

The seller has to get credentials from Prozo fulfilment team and use the same in the connectors page at the time of adding POS in Unicommerce.

User Name (M) These credentials will be provided by the Prozo team.
Password (M) These credentials will be provided by the Prozo team.
Channel ID (M) Seller can use the channel code specified at Prozo’s end or Unicommerce tenant code.

Seller can opt for any of these events as specified from Prozo’s end.

Note: Please pass the below details to Prozo fulfillment team to enable the integration :

  • Client Tenant name in Unicommerce.
  • Client user credentials for their Unicommerce Account.
  • Prozo-Facility Codes that have been configured in Unicommerce.
  • Couriers and their exact codes as configured in Unicommerce
  • Channel codes for which fulfillment will be done in the Prozo FCs

Below are the important points that needs to be kept in mind while adding the POS channel:

  • With this model, Unicommerce will act as OMS, All orders will be created in Uniware from all upstream channels and then Prozo will be pulling in their WMS, which will act as fulfillment system (Picking & packing and dispatch etc).
  • This integration is supported in Uniware via API and Notification APIs.
  • UC will push the inbound and order/return creation and updation details to Prozo. Complete warehouse processing will be done at Prozo’s end .
  • For further details get connect with Prozo fulfillment team. Then after, you can connect with us using uniware Chat Support. We will be happy to assist you.

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