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Prepare for Quick Packing

We have introduced a new feature called Quick Packing, enabling sellers generate invoices and labels at lightening speed by allowing them to prefetch upcoming orders manually.

Note: However prefetch shall be triggered only on shipments whose channels have prefetch setting enabled.

Use Case Scenario

If picking and packing in your warehouse begin at 10 AM, the user can manually trigger prefetch or Quick Packing at 8 AM. When operations start, invoices and labels will be generated at lightning speed, ensuring a seamless workflow.


Version: Standard, Professional and Enterprise clients
Traceability: None, SKU and Item Trace

Screen Navigation

For the Shipments under New section in the Shipments tab:

All shipments will be visible in “Shipments” section under the fulfillment tab, where you can take action as per single or bulk order processing.

Previously, the checkbox for bulk action was only available at none traceability, and was not present in SKU and item traceability. Now, the checkbox is available for all traceability.

Note: The bulk action checkbox applies only to the Quick Packing feature. For any other actions apart from quick packing, bulk selection will remain available only for none traceability, as before.

This page contains a new quick filter, which has 3 values:

  • ALL: It shows all the packages which are not applicable, not ready, in progress, and ready state.

  • Ready: It shows all the packages which are in ready state after quick packing (prefetch is completed).

  • Not Ready:  It shows all the packages which are in not ready state, i.e, not yet scheduled, or failed for quick packing.

This page now includes a new column, “Ready for Quick Packing“. When you apply its filter, you’ll see four values:

  • Ready: Prefetch is completed.
  • Not Ready: Prefetch is either not yet scheduled, or failed. In this case, there is not auto retry, and the prefetch will have to be manually triggered again, using quick packing.
  • In Progress: Prefetch is created, scheduled, or running.
  • Not Applicable: Shipments whose channels have prefetch setting disabled, or they have passed the packing state (invoice and label have already been generated) .

For the Shipments in Picklist:

In picklist, you can not perform any actions for quick packing. You can only view the shipments under the Quick Packing filter. This allows picking of those items, whose prefetch has already been completed.

This filter has 3 values:

  • ALL: It shows all the packages which are not applicable, not ready, in progress, and ready state.

  • Ready: It shows all the packages which are in ready state after quick packing (prefetch is completed).

  • Not Ready:  It shows all the packages which are in not ready state, i.e, not yet scheduled, or failed for quick packing.

This page now includes a new column, “Ready for Quick Packing“. When you apply its filter, you’ll see four values:


  • Ready: Prefetch is completed.
  • Not Ready: Prefetch is either not yet scheduled, or failed. In this case, there is not auto retry, and the prefetch will have to be manually triggered again, using quick packing.
  • In Progress: Prefetch is created, scheduled, or running.
  • Not Applicable: Shipments whose channels have prefetch setting disabled, or they have passed the packing state (invoice and label have already been generated) .


For the Shipments under New section in the Shipments tab:

  • Login in your uniware account.
  • Navigate to the Fulfillment > Shipments.
  • Select the shipment (you can select single or multiple shipments), and click on the PREPARE FOR QUICK PACKING button.
    Shipments with a “NOT APPLICABLE” status cannot be processed for Quick Packing (manual prefetch). This is because their channels have the prefetch setting disabled.
  • You can also view the Quick Packing status on the individual shipment page under the “Prepare for Quick Packing” field.

For the Shipments under Picklists:

  • Login in your uniware account.
  • Navigate to the Fulfillment > Picklists.
  • Click on the CREATE MANUAL button.
  • You will be redirected to the Manual Picklist page. Here, you can view the shipments under the Quick Packing filter. You can also use the filter under the Ready for Quick Packing column.
    Note: In picklist, you can not perform any actions for quick packing. You can only view the shipments under the Quick Packing filter.

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