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  2. Update Gate Entry details

Update Gate Entry details

Follow the below procedure to update the  Gate Entry details in uniware.


Version: Enterprise clients only
Traceability: None, SKU and Item Trace


Navigate to the following path:

UI Navigation: Inbound > Gate Entry > Filter and select the Gate Entry to open from the list).

Enter the field details as per the description provided below:

Enter the field details as per the description provided below:

Field Name (Mandatory)


Code (M)

Unique code generated by system for every Gate Entry.

Party Code (M)

Unique code generated by system for every Gate Entry.

Material Description (M)

Material Description like fragile/non Fragile.

Number of Parcels (M)

Number of parcels contained in gate entry.

Transporter (M)

Transporter name against which gate entry is raised.

Tracking Number (M)

Tracking number of the gate entry in uniware.

Vehicle Number (M)

Vehicle number of gate entry in uniware.

Reference Number (M)

Reference Number related to gate entry.

Remark (M)

To add comment if any.

Click on ‘Update’ to update the Gate Entry.

Ref: Create Gate Entry details