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  4. Integration with Noon Directship (Cross border / Local)

Integration with Noon Directship (Cross border / Local)

Noon (Directship), is available with Uniware under Marketplace in channels.

Follow these simple steps to integrate in Uniware:

1- In the Uniware menu, select Settings > Channels

2- Then press the button

Search and Select “Noon_Directship“.

3- Fill and save the channel details.

4- To configure the connectors.

For onboarding, it is required for the seller to download an integration JSON file from noon’s panel. Use the below mentioned link, to view the complete steps for downloading the JSON file. The name of the file should be in format MERCHANTID_WAREHOUSEID.

Steps for for extracting .Json File

Once file is downloaded, it needs to be shared with the UC Support team/KAM.

In the Connectors Tab, add Noon credentials as MerchantID, Warehouse Code, and Channel Identifier.

Parameter Value/ Description
will be provided by the Noon team for every seller.
Warehouse Code to sync orders of Noon warehouse in Uniware.
Channel Identifier
will be provided by the Noon team for every seller.

5- As soon as the channel is configured successfully, you can see the Channel Summary and You can trigger the respective sync processes from this page itself. For more detail Click here

Below are the important points that need to be kept in mind while adding the channel:

  • India (cross-border) sellers need to get a custom report from Uniware for pre-alert. To get this custom report, please create a ticket or reach out to UC KAM/Internal Team.
  • Noon will need to activate Warehouse, on their end to enable the integration.
  • Once the integration is done, sellers will no longer be able to process orders directly from Noon’s panel.
  • Connectors should be connected and catalog should be uploaded before the activation of warehouse on Noon’s end
  • Order sync, Inventory sync are available.
  • Catalog sync is manual. Field mapping will be as follows:

    Noon Field

    UC Field




    Seller Sku on Channel

  • Orders will be pushed by Noon to UC.
  • For local orders, marketplace shipping will be done.
  • For cross-border orders, self-shipping will be done.
  • Once orders processing completed on Noon, status of orders will be fetched from Noon to Uniware and order will be marked as complete in UC too.
  • For this channel we do not get customer details in orders.



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