PII Edit Address | Reverse Pickup / Forward order / Failed Order We have allowed sellers to update the address For Reverse Pickup Sale Order Failed Order Even if the PII address...
PII Admin Access | Data Masking/Unmasking PII access enables the sellers to manage Personally Identifiable Information (like name, address, email id, and mobile number) of customers....
Other functions on User page in setting tab Apart from creating and editing a user you can accomplish some other actions on the USer page. Let’s have a...
How to edit an existing User details or disable an existing User? To edit the User Mobile Number Follow the steps: 1. Click the user name in the list. 2. Hit the...
Admin: Professional In the PROFESSIONAL version of Uniware, the Role “Admin” is allowed access to the following features in the system:
Warehouse Manager: Professional In the PROFESSIONAL version of Uniware, the Role “Warehouse Manager” is allowed access to the following features in the system:...
Finance Manager: Professional The Role “Finance Manager” is allowed access to the following features of the system: Warehouse Manager
Sales Manager: Professional The Role “Sales Manager” is allowed access to the following features in the system: Finance Manager
Returns Manager: Professional The Role “Returns Manager” is allowed access to the following features of the system: Sales Manager
Inbound Manager: Professional The Role “Inbound Manager” is allowed access to the following features in the system: Returns Manager
Purchaser: Professional The Role “Purchaser” is allowed access to the following features in the system: Inbound Manager
Catalog Manager: Professional The Role “Catalog Manager” is allowed access to the following features in the system: Purchaser
Pick & Pack: Professional In the PROFESSIONAL version of Uniware, the Role “Pick & Pack” is allowed access to the following features of the...
Warehouse Manager : Standard The Role “Warehouse Manager” is allowed access to the following features of the system: Admin
Pick & Pack: Standard The Role “Pick & Pack” is allowed access to the following features of the system: Warehouse Manager
Roles in Uniware: Professional The Professional product allows the following Nine roles: 1. Pick & Pack 2. Catalog Manager 3. Purchaser 4. Inbound Manager...
Roles in Uniware: Standard The Standard product allows the following Three roles: 1. Pick & Pack 2. Warehouse Manager 3. Admin (Click on the...
How to create a new user in uniware? Creating a user in Uniware is a very simple process. 1. On the path Settings -> Users, check the exiting...