We have allowed sellers to update the address
- For Reverse Pickup
- Sale Order
- Failed Order
Even if the PII address is masked , it allows editing of data as per your requirement, without viewing of any such PII data .
Version: Standard, Professional and Enterprise clients
Traceability: None, SKU and Item Trace
This is a sample for reverse pickup. Similarly, you can edit the address details for a sale order and failed order.
- At the time creating a reverse pickup, click on the EDIT ADDRESS button. Now, you can start editing the address.
- Click on the address field which you want to edit.
- The PII masked data will vanish, allowing you to enter your new details now.
- If you want to reset the details to the old address data, you can simply click on the RESET ADDRESS button.
- After you have entered the required details, click on the SUBMIT button. The new address details will be saved successfully.