All sale order items can now be tracked according to the promise expiry date according to the tolerance defined at channel or customer level. Likewise, the inventory allocation would take care of the expiration date promised.
What is Dispatch Tolerance ?
Numbers of days left to the expiry date till which the item can be dispatched.
Version: Enterprise
Traceability: None, SKU, ITEM
First check the SKU code corresponding which we will be setting a Dispatch Tolerance
1- Path: In the Uniware Main Menu > Products > Enabled
2- Now, Search the SKU code by clicking on the SKU Code filter, and check out the basic details of the SKU like.
3- The dispatch tolerance for expiry can be with 3 types of import, that are as follows:-
3a) Dispatch Tolerance Group : In this import, we will be creating Tolerance Group on the basis of Group Code and Group Name. Click Here for more.
3b) Dispatch Tolerance Group Mapping: In this import, we will be defining the tolerance on which Channel at the effective from (time) till effective to (time) we want to enable the dispatch tolerance. Click Here for more.
3c) Dispatch Tolerance Item: In this import, we will be specifying the SKU along with the Dispatch Tolerance that we want to set corresponding to SOIs. Click Here for more.
Once all three imports imported successfully, we will be creating Sale Order.
4- In the Uniware Main Menu > Orders > Orders > Create
5- Fill out all the required details to create a sale order and click on the Create Order.
Check :- How to Create Custom Sale Orders in Uniware?
Note: While creating Sale Order, enter the same SKU Code on which we have imported the Tolerance imports .
6- Once we have successfully created the order, the Sale Order Item corresponding to the Sale Order should have Dispatch Tolerance Value which we have defined .
Whenever inventory will be synced to the Channel at that time only that inventory will be synced whose effective Dispatched Tolerance Value (e.g. 30 or more than 30 days) we have defined through the import.
Points to be noted:
- It has been made compulsory by Government of India to display the expiry date of the products on the website for all expire able items.
- It is recommended that the items dispatched to the customers have an expiry date that is equal to or greater than this one.
- It is now possible to define tolerances at the channel and customer levels based on the number of days / percentage. The tolerance will not be used to determine when products will expire.