How to search an order/shipment/Purchase order/Manifest Sellers can search Order /shipment /Purchase order or the data through the global search option at the top bar. To...
Hopping and Omni Channel Auto Hopping Hopping refers to a feature which enables store staff to accept or reject any or all of the items of...
Q: How to discard a manifest? A: Before you know how to discard a manifest, Please note : Blank manifest is only closed by the same...
Q: How to download/print manifest in CSV and PDF format ? Ans: To download Manifest in CSV, 1. Follow the path Fulfillment > Manifests 2. You can see all the existing...
Q: Reprint Sale Invoices/Label/Return Invoices (or Credit Notes) for any order Reprinting invoice means the shipment is already in packed state, and reprinting shipping label implies that the shipment is in...
Q: How to search an order? Order can search through the global search option at the top bar for more details watch the video:
Q: What are the different order statuses? An Order can go through a number of statuses during it’s complete life cycle. These statuses and their meanings are...
What is a Manifest? How do we dispatch/handover to the Courier? Manifest When handing a bulk of shipments ov er to a courier you generally create a list of the shipments...