Search Item : Search Item Barcode Sellers can search any Item Barcode to see the detailed information in Uniware. It will help the warehouse audit and...
How to search an ASN (Advance Shipping Notice)? Sellers can now Search the ASN through any ASN Number to see the related details of ASN such as PO...
How to search Batch and Batch details Sellers can now Search for a batch through either Batch details or through batch code and see the inventory details...
Capturing Expiry details for items in Item Level Traceability For Item traceability, Now uniware captures the expiry date during GRN creation or Quality Check. Brief Summary: User raises PO...
Batching (Enterprise Version) Batching in a general sense is a method of grouping SKUs based on pre-defined parameters. In Uniware, the SKUs can...
Bulk Uploading Vendors or How to create vendor in bulk by csv import List of Vendors can be easily created in bulk by importing a CSV file into the system. Follow these simple...
Vendor Priority Setting When you upload the Vendor Catalog (See vendor catalog in detail) in the system, it asks for defining the priority,...
Reorders What is a Reorder? The system is capable of notifying you the exhaustion of an Item SKU. When an item...
Backorders As the commercial definition says, it is the customer order that has not been fulfilled because of stock unavailability. It...
Approve a Purchase Order Any Purchase Order which has been created needs to be approved, after checking its financial implications. This can be done...
Purchase Cart A Purchase Cart allows you to select the products and their respective quantities for eventually placing a Purchase Order. The...
Bulk uploading the vendor catalog or vendor mapping through import Vendor catalogs can be easily created by importing files from the system. Follow these simple steps: 1- Follow the path...
Vendor Catalog or Vendor item listings for purchase order A Vendor Catalog provides the list of all goods available from various vendors. It is not only easier to keep...
Editing an existing Vendor Details like Address, GSTIN, Mail id or Contact To edit an existing vendor, click on the Vendor’s name in the list on Vendors’ page. To reach this page,...
Vendor Management with Vendor creation/adding process manual What is a vendor? A vendor is a supplier/seller of goods and services available to the users. For our business,...
Additional Actions on Purchase Orders There are numerous additional actions to be conducted on a purchase order in the system with any status. Let us...
Bulk Upload for generating Purchase Orders The Purchase Orders can be created in for bulk items by importing files from the system. Please follow these simple...
Generate Purchase Orders Automatically To generate purchase order automatically These following ways present in uniware: 1. PO against Backorder 2. PO against Reorder 3. ...
Add Purchase Orders Manually Here is a step by step guide on how to generate a Purchase Order manually. 1. Follow the path...
Purchase Order Statuses A Purchase Order can go through various stages in a purchase life cycle. This empowers the various users of the...
How many ways to create PO (Purchase order) in uniware Uniware provides a very flexible approach of creating or punching a Purchase Order with accurate data in the most time-efficient...
What is Purchase Orders and its Lifecycle Purchase Orders overview Purchase Order is a document shared with the vendor indicating the product (SKUs), their respective quantities and...
Purchases management How would you define purchases? ‘Purchase’ refers to the process of ordering and receiving goods. It would involve identifying the...
Procurement What is Procurement? Procurement envelops the processes involved in acquiring a product. These processes would comprise of actions ranging from...
Goods Received Note (GRN) process A Purchase Order (PO) is a buyer generated document specifying the number of products, their quantities and agreed prices the...